4 (Russian)

List by: itisclaudio, created: 14 Aug 2018, updated: 07 Jun 2020 Public: Users can add dishes

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1. Bliny

Blin, blini, blintchik (Russian)

Bliny is a thin pancake, traditionally made from buckwheat flour and served with sour cream, butter, caviar, and other garnishes.

(Added by: itisclaudio)

2. Chak Chak

Chak-Chak,Çäkçäk (Russian)

Deep fried balls or little logs of unleavened dough and topped with hot honey syrup. The pile of honey coated dough balls is usually left to harden before eating.

(Added by: itisclaudio)

3. Dressed Herring

Herring Under The Fur Coat, Селедка под шубойHerring (Russian)

This is a layered salad composed of diced pickled herring covered with layers of grated boiled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beet roots), chopped onions, and mayonnaise. Some variations of this dish include a layer of fresh grated apple while some do not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D…

(Added by: itisclaudio)

4. Vinegrette

Винегрет (Russian)

Vinegrette is a traditional Russian salad made of boiled beets, potatoes, carrots, pickles, onions and sauerkraut. It is easy to cook and remains very popular especially in winter time.

(Added by: itisclaudio)