
WorldFood.Guide is an online interactive and collaborative database of information related to dishes from different cuisines around the world. Information about dishes includes: photos, descriptions, main ingredients, dish features (Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-free, Kid-friendly, Spicy) and cuisine origin. When there are dishes that have something in common, they can be grouped together in a “List” with information about the nature of the list and optional comments about why the dish is in the list.

WorldFood.Guide allows anyone to share their knowledge about cuisines and dishes. Users can also create lists of dishes for public or personal use.

The information on the website is uploaded by registered users, aka Foodies. Foodies can create/upload and edit information about dishes, cuisines, photos and lists. Foodies can also “like” photos, dishes and lists. The items with the most “likes” will be ranked first.

WorldFood.Guide features new foodies, foodies with the most content, and foodies with the most likes on the home page. Foodies can provide information about their own blogs and personal sites on their profile page.